Year of the Dog 2018: Suffering for the Rabbit according to the Chinese horoscope

Are you a Rabbit according to the Chinese zodiac? This sign is also known as the Hare or the Cat. The Chinese horoscope can help you to know how you are going to do during the Year of the Dog 2018, but we already warned you that it smells like suffering for the Rabbit.

Let’s start at the beginning: are you sure you’re a Rabbit? According to the Chinese horoscope, your sign depends on the year in which you were born. For example, Rabbit are all those who have been born in any of these years: 1903, 1915, 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999 or 2011. Remember that the Chinese year begins at the beginning or the middle of February, so if you were born before you will feel more identified with the previous animal, which in this case is Tiger.

Are you ready to know how you will do in the Year of the Dog 2018?

This is what the Rabbit will experience in the Year of the Dog 2018

Love and the Rabbit in the Year of the Dog 2018

The rush is never good, and even less in love. You are wanting to precipitate some situations, which is causing you problems. Everything has its moment and you must learn to find it. The Year of the Dog 2018 will bring you some changes in your life that will be very inconvenient for you, but you will have no choice but to accept them. You better get used to the idea despite the suffering they may be causing you.

The family and friendship of the Rabbit in the Year of the Dog 2018

The Year of the Dog 2018 will be a slightly more complicated year when it comes to money. Various events will come together and leave your wallet shaking. You are going to have to readjust your budget for the following months and do without some whims that had become commonplace. You and your family will have a bit of a hard time, but you will manage to survive. Your attitude and commitment are essential to call money.

Work and the Rabbit in the Year of the Dog 2018

Friend Rabbit, sometimes you are too sensitive and there are those who take advantage of your way of being. Don’t let them pass you by and try and take advantage of your hard work. In fact, you’ll be amazed at what people will do to get to the top, even those you thought you could trust. The Year of the Dog 2018 is the appropriate moment to impose yourself and get all the energy to fight for yours. Stop suffering!

Health and the Rabbit in the Year of the Dog 2018

It is possible that in the Year of the Dog 2018 you feel a little weak because you have been neglecting yourself in recent months. It will not be until after the middle of the year when you finally decide to change. Your well-being will notice the changes in your diet but, above all, in your attitude. Don’t forget to take care of both your physical health and your mental health!

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