Year of the Dog 2018: Love smiles at the Horse according to the Chinese horoscope

The Year of the Dog 2018 has several surprises in store for the different animals of the Chinese zodiac. For example, love smiles at Horse, so it could be said that this is going to be a good time for him. But what else is going to happen to him?

All those who were born in any of the following years are related to Horse: 1906, 1918, 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002 or 2014. However, it must be taken into account that the Chinese calendar starts from February, approximately, so all those who were born before will feel closer to the animal of the previous period, that is, Snake.

The Chinese horoscope tells you how you are going to do if you are a Horse. Enjoy the Year of the Dog 2018!

What the Horse will experience in the Year of the Dog 2018

Love and the Horse in the Year of the Dog 2018

This will be the year of love! Horse, you have to be very happy because according to the Chinese horoscope, love smiles at you during this Year of the Dog 2018. Your relationship will go like never before, since you will get that little incentive that will make you even happier. You will receive some very good news that will continue to rekindle the flame of your love, and this will translate into all fields (even in bed). You will be the envy of your acquaintances!

The family and friendship of the Horse in the Year of the Dog 2018

During this Year of the Dog 2018 you will focus a little more on enjoying yours. You will have a little more time to be by their side and you will be able to get involved in their well-being. It was about time you thanked them for all that they have done for you, even in moments of downturn. Happiness will knock on your door when you see your nucleus of love increase. Welcome him as he deserves!

Work and the Horse in the Year of the Dog 2018

In this Year of the Dog 2018 you will realize that you cannot be so impulsive when making decisions related to business. Some of your sudden reactions will play a trick on you and there will be someone who will take you a little mania. You are going to have to lower your head and approach him or her if you do not want the matter to go further. At a certain time of the year you will consider the need to save a little money, just in case!

Health and the Horse in the Year of the Dog 2018

If you carry on as before, your health will remain iron. However, the well-being of some Horses will suffer when they begin to settle into the comfort of their armchair. This animal needs a lot of freedom to move and get rid of that high energy charge that it carries inside, so it has to do some exercise to feel good. You’re a bit clueless, so it won’t hurt if we remind you to drink the water your body needs.

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