The Chinese zodiac helps you to know how you will fare in the Year of the Dog 2018. We stop to think about the predictions of a specific animal: will there be good fortune for the Tiger according to the Chinese horoscope?
Your future will depend on the sign you are according to the Chinese zodiac. The animal with which you feel most identified, which depends on your year of birth, determines your way of being and how you face the day to day.
To be a Tiger, you must have been born in one of the following years: 1902, 1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998 or 2010. If you were born in January or early February, you might feel closer to the animal of the previous period, which in this case would be the Ox. This is because the Chinese calendar is governed by the moon, so the year does not change on January 1, but the date changes every year.
This is what the Tiger will experience in the Year of the Dog 2018
Love and Tiger in the Year of the Dog 2018
The Chinese horoscope says that Tigre has a very intense and aggressive behavior in love. However, in this Year of the Dog 2018 you are going to have a little lower spirits, at least in your relationship. Your love is going to miss your passionate attitude, which could cause some problems in your relationship. Sit down to talk to your love and don’t be afraid to open up so that you can find an answer to why you are like this.
The family and friendship of the Tiger in the Year of the Dog 2018
Things will start to go much better than they have been up to now. You have managed to stay very close despite the problems, so now it’s your turn to give each other a small reward. It’s time to celebrate and treat yourself to that little whim you deserve after the difficult moments you’ve experienced together. Why don’t you organize a meal at home and invite everyone?
Work and the Tiger in the Year of the Dog 2018
Fortune is on your side! The Chinese horoscope brings you very good omens for the Year of the Dog 2018 in relation to work, so it is the ideal time to carry out all those projects you had. The time has come to move forward, to try new things but, above all, to enjoy! Lean on the people you have close to you, but do not trust everyone as there will be those who try to take advantage of your good luck.
Health and the Tiger in the Year of the Dog 2018
You will want to start the Year of the Dog 2018 on the right foot, so you will propose some very healthy resolutions. It is possible that at first you will not see the results, but in the long run your body will thank you. You are usually quite constant but, even so, we invite you not to give up your efforts. You already know that the key is to eat in a healthy way and maintain an active life.