Year of the Dog 2018: Bad omens for the Dragon according to the Chinese horoscope

Do you want to know right away how you are going to do in the Year of the Dog 2018? Pay attention to the predictions of the Chinese horoscope, which brings some bad omens for the Dragon. But, despite the fact that everything seems a bit gray for this animal, never give up hope.

To know if you are of this sign of the Chinese zodiac, you only have to take into account the year in which you were born. These are the dates that correspond to this animal: 1904, 1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000 or 2012. You must bear in mind, however, that the Chinese calendar changes year in February, so if you were born before your sign will correspond to the animal of the previous year. In this case, it would be with Rabbit.

Here you have the predictions of the Chinese horoscope for the Dragon. Go for all!

This is what the Dragon will experience in the Year of the Dog 2018

Love and the Dragon in the Year of the Dog 2018

Bad news for the Dragon in this Year of the Dog 2018, since you will have to face some unpleasant problems. It seems that compatibility with your partner is not at its best. Could it be that you are neglecting each other a little? The Chinese horoscope does not seem to be by your side this year, so you will have to do a little more on your part. You will be able to find the spirit that you lack in the small positive details of the day to day.

The family and friendship of the Dragon in the Year of the Dog 2018

The Year of the Dog 2018 will come with some surprises for your family, but not all of them will be good. Some ghosts from the past will come to visit you that you would not want, under any circumstances, to face again. Faced with these bad omens, it is best that you form a large group and support each other so that the problems are smaller. Much encouragement!

Work and the Dragon in the Year of the Dog 2018

In this Year of the Dog 2018 you are going to have the occasional run-in at work and you are going to receive some warning. You will realize that sometimes it is better to go unnoticed so as not to raise envy or derogatory comments wherever you go. It is not about changing your way of being so explosive, but rather taking care of the way you address the people around you. Don’t let a bad time make you doubt yourself too much.

Health and the Dragon in the Year of the Dog 2018

This year you will feel much stronger than you have in previous times, at least in terms of health. This has been thanks to those small changes that you have made in your habits that have not cost you too much effort but that are making you improve a lot. Of course, be careful with the constipated passengers! Even if they are small, if you don’t hear them well, they could bring you worse consequences in the future.

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