The Ox man at work according to the Chinese zodiac

We rely on the Chinese horoscope to discover what the Ox man is like at work. According to this zodiac, our sign determines our qualities. All those born from February of some of the following years will feel more identified with the virtues of the sign of the Ox: 1901, 1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997 or 2009. If they have their birthday in January, they will feel closer to the main animal of the previous year because the Chinese calendar starts from the second month of the year.

The Ox man and employment according to the Chinese zodiac

  • Professions in which you excel. If there is something that characterizes the Ox man, it is his ability to work. Although he is not highly creative, if he came up with a brilliant idea, he would be the perfect entrepreneur. He likes routine jobs as they allow him to always know what to expect. That is why he would make a very good clerk or banker. He wouldn’t be bad at engineering-related jobs, either.
  • How is the Ox man as a worker? He is the ideal employee for any company: he gives everything for his position, he doesn’t mind spending hours and hours at work and he doesn’t usually complain too much. He is a man who always tries his best in every task that he has to perform.
  • How is the Ox man as a boss? They are not particularly good at working in teams, so they would stand out more as individual workers than as bosses. However, if they were a high command, they wouldn’t be too bad either, since they would always be very invested in the company. You wouldn’t mind giving up your social life for work too much.
  • Tricks to find work. You have everything to be the favorite worker of any businessman. Surely in the rest of the works in which you have participated you have left a very good taste in the mouth. Show whoever is interviewing you that you are what they are looking for by presenting letters of reference from your previous jobs.

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