The Horse man at work according to the Chinese zodiac

You are a Horse man if you were born after the month of February of any of the following years: 1906, 1918, 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002 or 2014. If your birthday is in January, you will feel more identified with the qualities of the sign of the previous year because the Chinese calendar starts from February. We delve into the world of work to find out what the Horse man is like at work according to the Chinese horoscope.

The Horse man and employment according to the zodiac

  • Professions in which you excel. The Horse man does not like closed spaces at all. When he spends too many hours in an office, he feels the need to run outside to breathe. It is for this reason that he prefers professions that take place in nature or, at least, in the street: gardener, forest ranger, tour guide…
  • How is the Horse man as a worker? Although it is not what they prefer, due to circumstances they sometimes have to work in positions that imply a certain routine. It won’t be a major problem for them as long as their bosses leave them enough freedom so they don’t feel tied to their chairs. Some are too afraid of the word commitment so they go from one job to another.
  • How is the Horse man as a boss? He has never been interested in having people in charge of him. On the contrary, he prefers to be told what to do because that way he doesn’t have to worry too much. If circumstances lead him to be a high command, he will do his job well, however, he will miss his personal life too much, so he probably won’t last long in the position.
  • Tricks to find work. Do not allow nerves or lack of security to cover up all your virtues, which are many. Let them see that you are an outgoing and hardworking person. If you have been looking for a job for a long time with little luck, have you considered trying other sectors? You may find that you like and are good at other things. You can surprise yourself.

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