If you are passionate about astrology, you will probably be anxiously awaiting the arrival of the 2020 Chinese horoscope predictions. The Chinese New Year begins on Saturday, January 25, and with it, the Year of the Metal Rat begins.
New opportunities, new challenges, new goals… All of this and much more will be in store for us in the coming months. What sign do you belong to? In this article we will focus on the Pig and we will tell you how this Year of the Metal Rat will live in love, family, work and health.
You are a Pig if you were born in any of these years: 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995 or 2007. Keep in mind that if your month of birth is January, it is more likely that you identify with the predictions of the sign belonging to the year of birth before yours, that is, with those of Dog. This is because the Chinese horoscope is governed by the lunar calendar and not by the Gregorian one.
Are you already located with your sign? Great! Well, let’s go there with our Pig friends! This is what awaits you ahead!
Love for Pig according to the Chinese horoscope 2020
- Since you and your partner broke up last year, you haven’t stopped dating guys from Tinder, but none of them have given you anything at all. You’ve found everything: the freaked out, the one who falls in love the second day, the one who one day seems to be very interested and the next gives you a full-blown “ghosting”… The fact is that at the beginning of this new Chinese Year, you will start to get tired of those bland and meaningless quotes and you will consider uninstalling the application and moving on from all those frogs that will never become a prince.
- You will really realize that you do not need to have a person by your side to be well and it will be precisely this turning point that will make you happy. You will begin to enjoy your loneliness and being single. Until now you had not realized the pleasure of entering and leaving the house without having to explain to anyone?
- You can take advantage of these months to resume those hobbies that you had put aside to dedicate more time to your relationship or take the opportunity to spend more moments with your friends. They are the ones who have always been there, through thick and thin, and it’s your turn to thank them.
- If you are a Pig woman with a partner, this 2020 Chinese horoscope will bring you a lot of stability. You will be better than ever with your boy, you will not stop making plans and you will enjoy a lot of time together. Take advantage of it because it seems that you have finally found your better half.!! Congratulations!!
Chinese horoscope: How will the Pig fare financially in 2020?
- You will start the Chinese year feeling a little unmotivated and apathetic and it is best that you try to discover the reason as soon as possible so that it does not lead to a major mental health problem. Have you thought that perhaps your work no longer fulfills you as much as before? It may be time to get out of your comfort zone and give a radical change to your life.
- Do you remember that project that you had in mind a few years ago and that you did not dare to carry out? Well, maybe you should pick up the idea and start it up. It is true that starting a business from scratch is difficult and requires a lot of investment. Do it only if you have enough income because otherwise you could end up in deep debt.
- The negative part of all this job change will be that you will have to give up that big trip you were planning. Financially you will not be able to afford it, but don’t worry, everything in life ends up coming if you have a little patience. And also the effort will make you enjoy it twice!
Pig’s Chinese horoscope 2020: family and friends
- You’ve spent half your life trying to overcome shyness, and this Chinese New Year will finally give you the drive to do so. The good thing is that your new, more extroverted facet will bring wonderful people into your life with whom you will end up building a great friendship.
- And it is that in the end you will realize that meeting people is not as complicated as it seemed in your head. With a good topic of conversation to break the ice, everything else will be smooth sailing. Of course, keep in mind the compatibilities of the horoscope to surround yourself with those people most similar to your interests: Ox and Tiger can be good allies for you.
- When it comes to the family, the arguments between your parents will not stop. They will go through a rather serious crisis in which you will find yourself in the middle. The best thing is that you do not get involved so that their differences as a couple do not end up splashing you. There is a percentage of probability that they reach an agreement and things between them will end up being solved, but you, just in case, prepare for a possible separation. After all, the best thing when love ends are to distance yourself. Now you can live it as a real drama, but in time the waters will calm down and you will all stabilize again and be incredibly happy.
Pig’s health in the Year of the Metal Rat according to the Chinese horoscope 2020
- Every time you notice something out of the ordinary or some discomfort in your body (you get dizzy, a headache, a small lump…) you start to think of the worst, you think that something bad is happening to you and you tremble considering the possibility that a Terrible disease is stalking you … Could it be that you are a bit of a hypochondriac?
- Get rid of your nerves because this year 2020 you will not be able to enjoy better health. The only guidelines you should follow to stay like a rose are to take care of your diet (continue with your balanced diet of meat, fish, fruit and vegetables) and exercise at least two or three times a week. If you meet those two requirements you have absolutely nothing to worry about!
- Dear Pig, now you know everything that the 2020 Chinese horoscope and the Year of the Metal Rat have in store for you, but remember that you create your life and that good luck only comes if you work for it. Go for all!