Motherhood and the Dragon woman according to the Chinese horoscope

Have you ever wondered what it means to be a mother? According to the Chinese horoscope, each one will answer this question in a different way, taking into account the sign of the zodiac to which they belong. Depending on the year in which you were born and, therefore, depending on the main animal on that date, your way of understanding life as well as your personality will vary. Therefore, a woman under the influence of the Dragon sign will have different qualities than a Goat or Horse woman.

You are a Rat woman if you were born in any of the following years: 1904, 1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000 or 2012. In any case, if you were born in January, you will feel more identified with the characteristics of the animal from the previous year. This is because the Chinese calendar starts from February.

The Dragon woman as a mother according to the Chinese horoscope 

  • Dragon women are the ones who ‘wear the pants’ at home. Your children know that you are strict because you want everything to always go in the right direction, but they also know that you actually have a very friendly face. Dragon women are usually able to find the balance between the seriousness required by the education of any child and the games. They will always be willing to ‘fight the pirates’ or ‘play mommy and daddy’ as long as the homework is done.
  • If, on the other hand, you haven’t had children yet, perhaps now is the time to take the next step. If you have achieved both personal and professional stability and you want to have a child, do not be afraid because if you get involved, you will not be a bad mother. Yes, however, you will have to be aware that there are things that are going to change. For example, you will no longer be able to have as many moments for yourself as before. And it is that Dragon women tend to be somewhat independent.

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