Maternity and the Pig woman according to the Chinese horoscope

You are a Pig woman if you were born in any of the following years: 1911, 1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995 or 2007. This rule is confirmed for everyone except those born in January.

They will feel more identified with the characteristics of the main animal from the previous year because the Chinese calendar starts from February. And it is that according to the Chinese horoscope, your way of being will be greatly influenced by your zodiac sign, that animal that was the protagonist of the year in which you were born. In this way, a Pig woman, also known as a Wild Boar, will have a different personality than a Monkey or Tiger woman.

Let yourself be guided by the advice of the Chinese horoscope regarding motherhood. Your zodiac sign will be decisive when establishing how you behave with your children. Maybe you are one of those strict mothers who likes to have everything under control or, on the contrary, you still tend to give your children more freedom.

The Pig woman as a mother according to the Chinese zodiac 

  • Pig women are characterized by being very sensitive. For them it is very important that their children learn to grow emotionally so that they become people of integrity in the future. Generosity and compassion should rule their lives.
  • They tend, however, to be somewhat materialistic: they like to buy a lot of clothes and bags that they don’t even get to wear.
  • They try not to transmit those values ​​to their children, although a mother is an example for everything; both for the good and the bad.
  • Both your co-workers and friends or family know that Pig women can always be counted on. They are always willing to lend a hand to anyone who needs it. She is very vigilant for any signs that her children are not doing as well as they appear.

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