Infidelity and Chinese horoscope: is the Tiger woman unfaithful?

Have you ever had the opportunity and the desire to be unfaithful to your partner? Did you get to do it? Each woman has a different way of dealing with love relationships and, therefore, not everyone considers infidelity the same. According to the Chinese horoscope, it all depends on your zodiac sign.

You will feel more identified with one animal or another depending on your date of birth. You are a Tiger woman if you were born in any of the following years: 1902, 1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998 or 2010. This is always confirmed unless you were born in January. In such a case, you yourself will realize that you feel closer to the characteristics of the main animal from the previous year. This is because the Chinese calendar starts from February.

The fidelity of the Tiger woman according to the Chinese horoscope 

  • Tiger women are very passionate and may, in some cases, share some of that sexual fire with a lover. They are spontaneous and unpredictable, so if you are in a relationship, of any kind, with a Tiger woman, you will never know what they might surprise you with, whether for better or for worse.
  • Perhaps Tiger women should start caring more about the feelings of those around them. We are not only referring to your partner, the main one affected by the infidelity, but all the rest of the people who could feel uncomfortable because of her actions.
  • And it is that the Tiger woman tends to be somewhat selfish and take into account only her own desires. This, however, could also be a great quality because if you don’t care about yourself, no one will.
  • Precisely because of the way the Tiger woman is so unpredictable, it is impossible to know how she would react if she found out that she was being cuckolded. Possibly, at first, she would get very angry at the fact that she was deceived, but who knows if she could eventually forget what happened.

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