How to make an Ox man fall in love according to the Chinese zodiac?

Have you fallen in love with an Ox man and want him to notice you? You have to know that your most attractive ‘self’ is the natural one. The best advice we can give you is to be who you really are. But, if you also know his way of being and qualities according to his Chinese zodiac sign, I’m sure you’ll like him even more. According to the Chinese horoscope, the main animal marks the virtues of all those born during that year.

In this way, it will be an Ox man if he was born in any of the following years: 1901, 1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997 or 2009. The only exceptions are those whose date of birth is in January. This is because the Chinese calendar starts from February.

Ox Man Love Compatibility

  • If you have to come up with a plan for an Ox man, you better not improvise. They prefer to always have everything under control. In this way, if something goes wrong they will know how to solve it quickly. You can give him a surprise as long as it doesn’t mean a big disruption to his plans. Quiet plans are much more for him: a chat in a cafeteria or a slow walk on a trip.
  • Ox men get along exceptionally well with Snake women. Both could maintain a serious relationship based on honesty. The only obstacle that could jeopardize this love is how much they both put into work. They spend so many hours in the office that it takes up a lot of time together.
  • Ox men also have a special affinity with Rooster women. Although they may have to face their different ways of thinking at first, over time they will learn to get along and may fall in love. The good thing about their relationship is that it will never go crazy. On the contrary, they will know how to maintain good sense and common sense.

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