Discover the great leadership of the Dragon according to the Chinese horoscope

If you have a Dragon nearby, you are lucky. Since you met him, you have gradually discovered his personality. However, are you sure that he really is what you think? Luckily the Chinese horoscope can give you some clues so that you discover your true way of being in the different aspects of day-to-day life such as work, love, friendship, etc.

You are a Dragon if you were born in any of the following years: 1904, 1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, or 2012. However, you should keep in mind that if you were born before February, you will feel closer to the characteristics of the main animal of the previous year since Chinese New Year is in February. What are the Dragon really like?

Such is his personality. The Dragon represent strength, power and leadership. This sign has a lot of charisma, so the people around it usually like it very much. Those who are born in a year of the Dragon give off a captivating energy. However, they have so much momentum that sometimes it gets out of control.

With whom are they most compatible? The animals with which the Dragon are most compatible are the rat and the Monkey since they have a very similar way of being. However, they are not the only ones with whom they can have a special chemistry. The Dragon and the Tiger can get along very well, just like with the Dog or Horse. Rabbits and Goats aren’t exactly their type, though if they get their minds on something, they won’t stop until they get it.

The Chinese horoscope for the Dragon

  • That’s how they are in love. The Dragon may not be the most romantic of the entire Chinese zodiac. However, they are very intense with their partners. In most cases, they are very clear about what they want from love and do not hesitate to tell their partners. So much impetus can scare other horoscope signs that tend to be much more sensitive than them. The Dragon have several techniques to seduce, although in the end they always use the most aggressive ones.
  • That’s how they are in sex. Those people born in a year of the Dragon are very versatile in bed, since they enjoy almost everything. Depending on the tastes and preferences of their lovers, they can get a lot of pleasure from fiery or calm sex. This zodiac sign always tries to please both himself and his partner. Dragons want to think of their sex as a unique experience for their bed partner.
  • That’s how they are in friendship. In groups of friends, there is always one who calls the shots. That is most likely a Dragon because they have leadership skills. They easily win over people, because they have an overflowing personality. They are usually very willing to help everyone in need, although they have a hard time asking others to lend a hand. Therefore, if you have a Dragon as a friend, you should be a little alert when he needs help.
  • That’s how they are at work. The Dragon are very dedicated to their tasks, sometimes too much, which causes them a lot of stress. They like to have people in charge and are good bosses because, if they feel comfortable with their work group, they have the ability to be seen as a leader to follow. They are not the most creative of the entire zodiac, but they do not mind having to push themselves to exhaustion if necessary. In addition to being curious, their ambition leads them to want to continuously progress.
  • That’s how they are in health. To this work stress that we were talking about, we must add the personal burdens that he imposes on himself. He doesn’t want to let anyone down, which causes him anxiety. If this anguish increases too much, it will cause problems in his mental and physical health. They often suffer from a lack of self-esteem, although they do not like it to be too visible. In any case, the health of the Dragon is usually quite strong.

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