Chinese horoscope: the serenity of the Goat and more data

If you were born in any of the following years, you are a Goat: 1907, 1919, 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003 or 2015. Your personality is closely linked to this animal that was the protagonist of your year of birth. Knowing their true colors can be especially difficult with Goats, because they are very secretive. However, the Chinese horoscope helps you to know all the characteristics of the Goat.

Such is his personality. The Goat are serious, but also affectionate with those people who deserve it. People born in any of the years of the Goat are sensitive and empathetic. His character is very serene and calm, which transmits a lot of peace to all those with whom he has some kind of relationship. They are creative.

With whom are they most compatible? The Goat feel more affinity with the Pig and with the Rabbit. With them, the Goats feel more comfortable and are not afraid to show themselves as they are. However, the meticulousness of animals like the Ox or the vanity of the Rooster causes them a certain repulsion. They also do not have much compatibility with Dog or Horse people.

The Chinese horoscope for the Goat

  • That’s how they are in love. Goats are likely to be heartbroken once and twice before finding the love of their lives. They like to spend a lot of time with the people they are in love with. It is difficult for them to show their love, because they are quite unemployed. When they like someone, they send subtle hints, so sometimes even that person doesn’t realize what’s going on.
  • That’s how they are in sex. Goats will not exploit their true selves in bed with someone they do not trust. They enjoy more when they have a connection with their bed partner because they like to have a personal affinity beyond the sexual one. Those born under this sign are creative even in sexual relations, so they will propose new games to those they sleep with.
  • That’s how they are in friendship. Getting to know a Goat well can be very difficult because they don’t open up easily to strangers. However, his friends value them for being serene and calm. They are among those who feel more comfortable with calm plans. For example, they like to invite their closest friends to their homes and chat with them for hours. Listen to what the Goats have to tell you, because their advice can be very useful to you.
  • That’s how they are in the family. The Goats are one of the most valued members within the family since they are always at hand for everyone. The Goats are that aunt who doesn’t miss any of your birthdays, that father who represents your unconditional support and that grandfather who always has a gift. He manages to fix all the conflicts that may arise with a bit of a left hand.
  • That’s how they are at work. It seems incredible that with how shy the Goats are; they work so well as a team. It must be because of your ability to listen to what other people have to tell you and learn from it. The great sensitivity that characterizes them helps those born under this zodiac to understand their colleagues well, an important quality when they are bosses. However, then they will do what they really want, no matter how much they are told.
  • That’s how they are in health. Heart health is one of the weakest points of the Goat and not precisely because they are predisposed to heart attacks or anything like that. With matters that affect them directly or those closest to them, they are very sentimental, so any small problem they have causes them great pain. If they want a little more quality of life and stability, they will have to seek harmony in their lives.

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