Chinese horoscope: The Horse woman and the family according to the zodiac

Perhaps you are one of those who need your space or you may consider that the best plan for the weekend is to be with your family 24 hours a day… Whatever the vision of family relationships you have, the Chinese horoscope considers that the virtues of zodiac sign to which you belong has a lot to do with it. You are a Horse woman, the seventh of the Chinese zodiac signs, if you were born in any of the following years: 1906, 1918, 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002 or 2014. If your birthday is in January, you will feel more identified with the qualities of the previous sign since the Chinese calendar begins in February.

In any case, beyond helping you understand what your family relationships are like, the Chinese horoscope also reveals who you are more like in bed, as well as who you are more compatible with in love. The qualities of your zodiac sign also give you clues as to which jobs are most suitable for you as well as the health problems you are most likely to suffer from.

Family relations of the Horse woman according to the Chinese zodiac 

Although the Caballo women enjoy their own freedom, when they finally decide to settle down and start a family, they try to pass on their open spirit to their children. Thus, for example, it is very common for them to take their families to spend the day in the countryside; and it is that it is in nature where the women of this zodiac sign feel most comfortable.

As for the relationship with her partner, the Horse woman has known how to forge a strong love that is capable of surviving obstacles, as long as it is the right person. The rest of her relatives also know how to appreciate the way of being of the Horse women. They are always very attentive and kind; it’s rare to see them without a smile on their faces. It is because of this way of being so cheerful that her relatives forgive some of their defects. And it is that, for example, Horse women are very prone to forgetting birthdays. This is not because they don’t care about their relatives but because they are clueless.

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