Chinese horoscope: The Dragon woman at work according to the zodiac

Whether you are looking to reorient your professional life or if you are starting to work and looking for your ideal position, pay attention to the advice of the Chinese zodiac to find the job that best suits your characteristics. The Chinese horoscope establishes that each year is under the influence of one of the twelve animals that are contemplated. Depending on when you were born, you will feel more identified with one’s virtues. Therefore, let yourself be inspired by this zodiac to choose the job that best suits your characteristics.

If you were born in any of the following years, you are a Dragon woman, the fifth sign of the zodiac: 1904, 1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, or 2012. The Chinese calendar begins in February, so that if you were born in the month of January, you will belong to the animal of the previous sign.

The virtues of the Dragon woman at work

  1. They are ambitious and are not afraid to face all the challenges that come their way, no matter how difficult they may be. They do not hesitate to help all those who require it, although they tend to be too proud to ask for the help of others.
  2. They are, therefore, quite independent, although if your work team respects their privacy, you will be able to collaborate with them without any problem.
  3. Dragon women like to command and can do it very well. They could be very good at jobs like computer science, engineering, or architect. Also, her strong sense of justice makes her very good at positions as a lawyer. Sometimes they are very spontaneous women, so any day they could surprise you by unexpectedly changing jobs.
  4. Dragon women must learn to manage stress, as they are very prone to anxiety. If they fail to stop it, they may suffer more serious problems with a tendency to depression. In any case, if they show the best of themselves, they will achieve very positive results in each of the job interviews to which they appear.

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