Chinese horoscope of the Snake woman: personality and curiosities

The sixth sign of the Chinese horoscope is that of the Snake. This horoscope is organized according to the year in which you were born, since it is thought that this marks how your personality is and how you behave with respect to your life, love and work. In the case of the Snake woman, people born in the years 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001 and 2013 belong to him.

In this article we tell you about the personality and curiosities of the Snake woman according to the Chinese horoscope, how she reacts and how she behaves in the different aspects of her life. Do not lose detail!

Character and personality of the Snake woman

  • The personality of the Snake woman quite coincides with the animal that her sign represents. They like to make decisions calmly and are quite planners. This means that they will take their time in choosing an option, they will see where you can go if you choose one path or the other, and then they will go for broke with it. This constitutes them as prudent people in every movement. They will never do anything impulsively unless you trick them. Then you will know the true beast that they carry inside. They can’t stand lies or tricks! And if they feel cheated they will go for you, without hesitation.
  • They have an ingenious and organized mind, which makes them creative and very effective, as they always look for the best way to plan to obtain the best results. In their personal life they work to enjoy the reward, that is, they enjoy spending the money they earn, so they are not very savers. Their “I’m going to make the most of every day of my life” mentality makes them even wasteful at times.
  • They also have incredible intuition and cunning. If we mix these two characteristics of her personality, the Snake woman can be a bombshell. If her intuition tells her something, she will go to the end to find out, and therefore she will use all the cunning in her power to discover the truth. As we mentioned a few lines above, they hate cheating so it’s better that you don’t play it with them. Of course, they can be a wonderful, loyal and very charismatic company.

How does the Snake woman behave in love?

If she makes a move and is the first to be interested, the Snake woman is a 10 in seduction. She plays enchantment and eroticism like nobody else. She hooks, teases, and knows how to pull the string at just the right time. If, on the other hand, it is the other party that she is playing to seduce, at first she is somewhat suspicious of everyone. She has a hard time trusting and she doesn’t usually easily open up her thoughts to others. Not what she thinks, not what she feels. In this sense they are quite enigmatic. In addition, it is difficult for them to think that things can be done selflessly, that someone can be good by nature without having a goal beyond.

However, when he fully trusts, he is a faithful, loyal, transparent, sincere and generous person in love. She surrenders to a relationship without tension or jealousy, without stifling connections and without limits. He will form a real team with his partner.

A warning: as we have told you, this sign does not support lies. He is capable of breaking a relationship if he discovers a big lie, so it will be much better not to hide anything. Faced with something like this, they become cruel and play their worst cards.

Most compatible signs with the Snake woman according to the Chinese zodiac


It can be said that this couple is perfect both in terms of love, business or friendship. Simply, the Snake woman and the Rooster man understand each other. They can become the perfect tandem. They are compatible, sociable, they value the same things and when they do not agree on something, they know how to talk about it and give in to reach a point in common. On a business level it is wonderful but in friendship and love it is the secret to go very far. This type of relationship will raise envy around.


It might seem that Snake and Ox are opposite signs in their way of behaving and their personality, but the reality is that, deep down, they have very similar sensibilities. And no more is needed. Therefore, when it comes to living together as a couple, they will get along great. Coinciding on the base, the rest can be achieved by consensus. Ox, at first, will be the one who gives more because of the attraction that Snake generates in him, but as he lets himself be known, Snake will be the one who fights for Ox until they find the perfect balance between lovers and companions on the way.


We could say that the Snake woman and the Dragon people have a high compatibility that will start with a great friendship. One of those in which you can spend long hours talking and getting to know the other person without any interest. Later, they will move on to the most intense conversations, the deepest feelings, and that is when they will realize that there is more meat on the grill than they thought. That understanding of pure friendship will become a great compatibility in love. After all, a couple has to find in the other the understanding of a friend.


Between these two signs of the Chinese horoscope there is a high degree of chemistry. Snake and Rat look at the same things when it comes to focusing on love: intelligence, creativity, passion, ingenuity, mischief… We could express it in that Rats will be attracted to the cunning and insight of Snakes and the latter, for the intelligence and ingenuity that the Rat can show. The chemistry will undoubtedly be palpable. The secret will be that they also know how to find a point in common in daily and routine life.


two people of the Snake sign will be able to understand each other in a way that no one else does. Both when it comes to distrusting and when it comes to opening their feelings. The ways of behaving and the ways of meeting and sharing will be the same. The difficulty will be that one of the two must open up and trust first, and that will not be easy!

This is the Snake woman at work

You will not find a person belonging to this sign who does not take his job seriously, as long as it is his job and he does not go beyond the limits of what he must do. One of the things that he bears the least in relation to his day to day is working overtime. Ok, nobody likes to work overtime, but there are signs that better support that need that work requires from time to time. Snake is not one of them. He is very clear that he works to live later and that he wants to do it and enjoy all the hours he can. Work is the means to achieve it.

It is important that you take into account that these people are not usually prepared to face the public. Their mix between cunning and seduction is an explosive mix and most prefer more of a “lab mouse” job. Her high organizational capacity is perfect when planning a project and her high intuition makes her very good at getting to know the workers around her.

Other aspects of the Snake personality that you should know

Have you been wanting to know more about the Snake woman? Don’t worry! We tell you some more things that you must take into account to know perfectly what this sign of the Chinese zodiac is like.

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