Chinese horoscope of the Ox woman: personality, love and work

The lunar calendar marks the organization of the Chinese horoscope into 12 animal signs, determined by the year in which a person was born. People who belong to the Ox sign are those born in 1901, 1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009 and those who will be born in 2021. Do you want to know what personality, love or work characterizes people? belonging to this sign? How are they on a personal, love and work level? What signs are they compatible with? We tell you everything about the Chinese horoscope of the Ox woman.

Character and personality of the Ox woman

  1. The women belonging to this sign -the second of the Chinese zodiac- represent prosperity and have a marked personality towards the conservative. So much so that, on some occasions, it can represent something negative in your life. They have deeply rooted ideals and one of their priorities is responsibility and attention to their family, both the one they created and the one they come from.
  2. The behavior of this sign is usually calm, friendly. They rarely lose their temper and have great patience. They know that everything worthwhile takes time to wait and they don’t mind going slowly because they are aware that this behavior will lead them on the right path. It is that same way of behaving that can sometimes play a trick on them and make them easy prey for people who take advantage of them. However, their ability to learn from all the situations they experience is so great that they are capable of not tripping over the same stone several times.
  3. Another of the most remarkable characteristics of this sign is honesty. They think that opening their hearts and being sincere does not make them weaker but more noble and they always prefer to choose that. This makes them great friends and life partners. They will never play with your feelings and they will never lie to you either. You can rest easy because if you have an Ox close to you, you know that you can always count on an honest opinion or good advice. To give the latter they have great common sense, which makes them good advisers.
  4. Regarding the most negative points of her personality, we could say that she is very introverted and silent. She does not have a great capacity for imagination and creativity and tends to quickly adhere to routines, which can be somewhat boring depending on the people around her. It is difficult to make her change her mind when she refers to ideas that she has very clear, although she does tend to reflect a lot on how to act or what to do when making decisions.

How is the Ox woman in love?

  • In the field of love, the Ox can give a lot of himself but he has a great insecurity that he needs to work on. That is to say, she needs to feel constantly valued and that can quickly wear the couple out. Not feeling the appreciation that she needs can translate into jealousy and this is the cause of wear and tear on the partner. However, if you both work on it and communicate properly, there is usually no problem. In this sense, the Ox woman is usually very confident to speak everything she feels when she has opened up, although the time to open up comes sooner or later depending on the person she is with.
  • In a stable relationship, the Ox always tends to be faithful. It is difficult for him to cheat, since he demands the same thing that he gives in a relationship. In sporadic relationships, she usually tends to want or demand more than what would be expected from such a relationship, although that does not usually mean that she is more hooked.
  • With regard to sex, there are usually calmer, tender and sweet first times, but as soon as these relationships lengthen over time, more action and passion are needed, looking for the solutions that are necessary so that the flame does not go out and continues to exist. spark.

Signs compatible with the Ox woman

As in all horoscopes, the relationship between one sign and another will be different. With some we will have less ability to get along and with others we will be fully compatible. Ox also has some signs with which -for different reasons- the good relationship will flow practically by itself. These are the three most compatible:


The compatibility with this sign will be good because one will have the personality that the other lacks. The hurricane that is one will contrast perfectly with the calm of the other. That is, they are so contrary that they will complement each other perfectly. But watch out! Because we speak at the level of friendship and blood ties. When it comes to getting into a relationship, things get complicated and we are not saying that it is not impossible, but that it will take a lot of patience and communication to know how to handle it with a Rat person.


Another of the really good compatibilities that the Ox will have will be with the Snake sign. Because? In this case, they are signs that have the same (or very similar) sensitivities. Their concerns are based on the same thing, they are moved more by the heart than by reason and the feelings to which they give importance and which form the basis of their day to day coincide. This does not mean that they do not have a lot to learn from each other, since in less fundamental subjects they are quite different and are really different. Being similar in fundamental pillars makes this duo very good for creating work teams or even a romantic relationship, since it is built on a solid and lasting foundation.


The compatibility between Rooster and Ox is based on the practicality of everyday life. They are different personalities at the base. However, their daily vision is practical, quite routine, and they do not like to take a lot of risk. The fact that their behavior is like this makes them quite good at getting along, establishing a friendship, work or love relationship. They do not need to force the situation too much, since their nature makes it quite easy for them. In addition, they complement each other a lot as a team. Ox has ideas that he strongly believes in and, in turn, Rooster, a detailed eye to notice and get all the details. They are a great team! In social activity, Rooster will take the lead, since he is a social animal but he will make Ox take off that timid shell little by little.

How is the Ox woman at work?

The Ox woman has a personality that attracts a lot at the work level. You’ll want her as a team leader or manager, though that doesn’t mean she isn’t straight and tough. She has a great capacity to accept great responsibilities and tasks. Her level of organization makes her very good at handling large volumes of work. In addition, she has an overwhelming logical ability, which convinces great leaders and small employees. She will not pull -except in exceptional cases- to impose herself as the boss, but out of conviction and reasoning about what is best for a good job result.

At the level of middle positions, she is a worker whose base is effort and perseverance. In fact, she usually gets quite a lot thanks to not giving up on her work. It is very good for her to set short and medium term goals, because she makes him set close goals and push to achieve results.

She is a faithful worker who, if she sees that the company values ​​her, will never leave them in the lurch. She will look for reciprocity but if she finds it, she will be faithful to the company and she will feel an important part of it, which will be reflected in her good results. The Ox woman is transparent and very honest, something that comes from her personal sphere. At work, she will also be like that and that will not be liked by everyone she works with. However, others will see it as a really positive thing.

Other things about the Ox woman

Have you been wanting to know more about the Ox woman according to the Chinese horoscope? These honest and transparent women keep much more within themselves, especially in relation to others. Do not miss all the information!

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