Chinese horoscope of the Monkey woman: traits that define her personality

The Chinese horoscope is made up of 12 signs that are established based on the year in which a person was born. In this article we are going to talk about the Monkey woman, who occupies the ninth place, to know the traits that define her personality according to the Chinese horoscope.

The monkey sign includes people born in the following years:  1932, 1944, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004 and 2016, although if you were born in January, you probably feel more identified with the sign of the previous year since the horoscope Chinese is governed by the lunar calendar and the Chinese New Year begins a little later than the Western one.

Monkey women are generally characterized by having great mental ability. Be careful if you have a person who belongs to this sign in front of you! One of its greatest traits is the ability to solve problems more or less easily and get out of them. It is also characterized by having a great suspicion and some arrogance, because they know very well the skills they have. Do you want to know what else defines Mono’s personality? How do you usually behave in love or work? What other signs is it compatible with? We tell you everything about this sign!

Character and personality of the Monkey woman

  • One of the most outstanding characteristics of the personality of the women who belong to this sign is that they are quick-minded and very alert for day to day. No matter what problem is in front of them, they just have to spend enough time on it and they will be able to solve it more or less easily. When the problem is more complicated it takes a little longer, but the result is still getting out of it.
  • His mental agility also makes him have an answer for everything and has a great capacity for improvisation in any situation. That will be a trait that will attract a lot of attention when it comes to conquering a boy. That spark and that innovative mind will be very attractive to some signs.
  • If you have a person of this sign nearby, you may realize why they use that agility to drop jokes at the right time. Surely you have ever stopped to think: “what a great joke! How did he come up with it so quickly?” Those are the Monkey women. Able to make the joke at the right time and with the right spark of humor.
  • In this sense, they know that they can become the life of the party, both for funny and sarcastic answers. For this reason, they can be a bit vain and self-centered. They know what they are and are proud of it. Although you will never see a Monkey say no to a good lesson or advice. They are always willing to listen and accept the best advice that comes from the heart, with the aim of knowing how to improve. Of course, they do not trust anyone for it.

How is the Monkey woman in love?

In relationships, the Monkey woman is naturally attractive. Her way of being is already a magnet for many signs: funny, intelligent, agile, suspicious… What can alienate some the most is that she herself is aware of all this. She knows what weapons she has and knows that they are very useful to her. That excessive security is something that not everyone likes. Also, no matter how much she takes the lead, it is very difficult for this sign to fall in love, to fall into someone’s trap. She tends to be somewhat cold on the subject of feelings and, on some occasions, it is difficult for her to put herself in the other person’s place.

However, although it seems almost impossible, the Monkey woman also finds and gets into long relationships. How is she in that kind of love? First off, she tends to be friends first. That is, she will rarely commit if her partner has not been friends with her before and she has earned her trust. In addition, she must see in him an intelligent person, with a desire to excel, as she is, because she or she will have the feeling that they are not on the same path. She needs to see a point of fun in her partner, that they spend it as friends! And have an attraction that does not only bring you the physical, also that there is a mental connection.

Signs compatible with the Monkey woman

  • Monkey Woman and Ox Man

Undoubtedly one of the most compatible combinations. The pair of Ox man and Monkey woman have a good chance of success. He is hardworking and enthusiastic, he fights to continue advancing in his career and always has to have goals on the horizon. This makes the Monkey woman see in him someone to admire and support. In the reverse order, the Ox man admires the Monkey woman’s self-confidence and manner. Both will be able to be flexible and adapt to the other so that there are no arguments, and in the points where they do not coincide they will manage to have a good conversation because when one does not throw, the other will.

  • Woman Monkey and Man Monkey

Two people of the same sign share a lot (perhaps too much), so this couple may end up very well or they may never speak to each other again. It is not only a matter of connection but also of personality, way of being, intelligence… For this reason, they can become incredibly attracted to each other and can come to understand the other’s way of behaving like no one else.

  • Monkey Woman and Horse Man

There is a very fine line in the compatibility of this couple between Monkey woman and Horse man. On the plus side, the two complement each other and need each other at the same time. There is such a strong connection between them that it will be difficult to separate them. On the downside, precisely that last point. The need to be attached to the other can lead to a toxic relationship in which they do not let themselves do or want to do anything else. Careful!

How is the Monkey woman at work?

  • The Monkey woman may not have had great luck in labor matters. It is possible that not knowing how to channel all the self-confidence that she possesses has taken its toll on her in some jobs. That is the first obstacle she may encounter. However, she has very strong and positive points in her favor. As we have told you before, the ability to solve problems effectively and find a way out when there seems to be none, gives her a special value that she should know how to take advantage of at work.
  • On the other hand, his intelligence, enthusiasm and persuasiveness make him a very good profile for leadership positions, although he should be careful with his irony, not everyone likes something like that and he must know how to use it!
  • In large work groups, she will be clearly outlined as a leader, without naming herself and without anyone naming her. Naturally, everyone tends to follow her, since the paths she proposes usually always have excellent results. In general, she knows how to work well in a team, although she must control her character or temperament when something doesn’t go her way. In this sense, she is somewhat stubborn, she always defends that her position is the best and despite the fact that she can be right many times, she must learn to listen and let others make mistakes too.
  • Be especially careful if Mono comes across a profile that is very similar to her and she has to compete to prove something, she is highly competitive!

Other things about the Monkey woman

Have you been wanting to know more about the Monkey woman? The Chinese horoscope has the answers! Let’s see how it is in friendship, in motherhood, with the family… And everything you need to know about this very agile and decisive woman.

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