Chinese horoscope and compatibility of signs: The Rabbit woman in love

In our attempt to find out what the secret of relationships between women and men is, we looked at the Chinese horoscope. As established by this zodiac, there are twelve animals that, together with the five elements of Yin Yang, star each year. Taking into account what year you were born and the animal of the moment, Chinese astrology tries to discover who has the best chance of being that man who makes you smile every day. Find out which Chinese zodiac sign is most compatible in love with you.

The Rabbit is the fourth sign of the Chinese horoscope. You will be of this type if you were born in any of the following years: 1903, 1915, 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999 or 2011. The Chinese year begins in February, so if you are in January you will be under the influence of the previous animal.

Who is the Rabbit woman compatible with?

Some celebrities like María Valverde, Angelina Jolie or Chenoa were born in the Rabbit years. Rabbit women, also called Free, are sensual. Their character is very calm and friendly, which makes both Pigs and Goats totally compatible. In addition, the faithful Dog will find in them a person to trust. Rabbit women are extremely creative and, above all, emotional. Perhaps they are too dependent on those they love.

They are humble and do not like to come into conflict, so they can maintain a more or less friendly relationship with the rest of the zodiac signs. However, with neither will he become as compatible as with the Pig or Goat. In this way, the Horse and the Tiger could maintain a friendly relationship with the Rabbit. The Dragon find the great sensitivity of those of this horoscope sign very attractive. If he makes an effort, he can reach cordiality with the Snake and the Ox.

Sometimes Rabbit women tend to be so good that more cunning signs like Monkeys or Rats may try to trick them. According to the Chinese zodiac, Rabbit women can’t stand Rooster men because they are too vain. Unlike them, the Roosters are too focused on achieving their goals, forgetting what is really important: having fun.

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