Chinese horoscope 2021: what does the Year of the Ox hold for the Dog?

On February 12, the Chinese New Year begins and with it the Year of the Metal Ox. This new year is governed by the lunar calendar and, therefore, its zodiac is different from the western one, but it is also very useful. Are you interested in knowing what the 2021 Chinese horoscope holds for Dog?

You are a Dog if you were born in one of these years: 1910, 1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006 and 2018 (if your month of birth is January, it is likely that you identify more with the animal of the previous sign). Are you located? Well, let’s go with the predictions in love, work, money and health that our astrology specialist Gemma Meca brings us. A lot of attention!

Chinese horoscope: general predictions for Dog in 2021

Loyalty is one of those principles that for you does not and will not disappear even in these difficult times. This Year of the Ox, you will be one of the luckiest dogs that will exist on the face of the earth. Uncontrolled joy and the ability to stand your ground in any situation will be what will push you to be in top shape during an impossible cycle to stop.

You started a significant change in many aspects during the Year of the Rat, this new period you will see them arrive one by one. Like a hurricane that is arriving as circumstances are coming into your life, you realize that it is for a specific reason that you cannot miss under any circumstances. Accept the good, decree the prosperity you have earned and enjoy the love you have attracted.

Love for Dog in 2021

Romanticism can put an end to a series of actions that are key to you. It’s time for you to start feeling like you’re in the middle of a resort. This is not the time to look for what you are missing, all your needs will already be covered, you will only have to ask and you will have it. It may be less exciting, but it will end up quenching a thirst for love that has been surrounding you for years.

If you can feel that your heart is always beating at the same rhythm, if you perceive the stability that has been banned from you for too long, you will be able to get out of a cave in which you had entered alone. On the surface of that cave you will find yourself face to face with the resort of your dreams, with incredible landscapes that you had not seen until now. Locking yourself away will never offer a good result.

Dog at work during the Year of the Metal Ox

It is time for you to work for yourself. You will have the possibility to grow on a personal level and that is something that will give you a lot of life. This attitude that you did not think would ever come, a marked egocentrism necessary, will have unexpected consequences. Do not give wealth to others, keep it for yourself.

You will find in the love for your work a good ally to have some performances that until now you thought would not exist. It is that secret passion that will push you to make decisions when you need them the most. You will need them to be able to get out of a time loop that could do you some damage. React before it’s too late.

Money for Dog in 2021 according to the Chinese horoscope

Your economic life can take a 360 degree turn. You will have to do it to adapt to the new circumstances. It is not easy to have something good on your hands without sacrifices. Having to sell to buy something smaller or live with less is a chance to gain peace of mind and invest in your dreams. These are difficult times for everyone, you can’t stay behind now.

Adjustments may put you in a bad mood initially, but they will eventually be necessary to obtain the long-term wealth you are seeking. It is the moment to give everything, unless someone stops you, you will be capable of anything. If you sacrifice, it is because you will really see a personal project on the horizon very clearly.

Health and Dog in 2021

Regularity is never easy to achieve without a little commitment. This Year of the Ox you will be able to set course for a series of actions to go for it. Having a diary in which you write down your day to day, not leaving anything to write down and above all betting on what is waiting for you can become something key for you.

Rest and take care of the body as much as possible. You need to look good and to achieve this you will only be able to do it with certain key performances that will never really be enough. You are a demanding being who really has a result on your hands that could take you to the top. Your body and mind are prepared to give the best of a whole that you will create with your own hands and performances in this Year of the Ox.

Important dates and rituals for Dog in the Year of the Ox

  • Important days: On August 18, you will feel that the expected joy arrives so as not to leave, everything will return to the way it was before.
  • Mantra that you must repeat: I am open to receive all the good things that the universe has prepared for me.
  • Month in which you will stand out: August will be the month in which a large part of the wishes that you have written down are fulfilled.
  • Year of the Dog: 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018.

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