Chinese horoscope 2021: useful predictions for the Dragon in the Year of the Ox

The beginning of the Chinese New Year, as you well know, does not start the same as the Western New Year. This time he welcomes you on February 12, 2021. As the year begins, we will have many days to fulfill our resolutions and leave behind a 2020 that will be remembered forever, with the best wishes and an eye toward a few months full of hope and full of optimism.What will the stars have in store for the Dragon sign? People belonging to this zodiac sign are those born in the following years:  1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012. Remember that if you were born in January, it is likely that you feel more identified with the sign of the year before yours, since the Chinese horoscope is governed by the lunar calendar. In this article we tell you the predictions for Dragon in the year of the Ox according to the Chinese horoscope 2021, don’t miss it!

Chinese horoscope: general predictions for Dragon in 2021

The Dragon imposes its law wherever it goes. He arrives at a place and is always the one that stands out, this Year of the Ox according to the Chinese horoscope will not be different, but this time we will find a much more powerful animal than on previous occasions. Your wings will have grown to be able to fly and avoid any problems you have had in the past, you will not only move well through the water, the air will be your new element.

The lightness that you get moving through the air will have been key to giving you a totally new perspective. You can see yourself from the air, feel how the wind that throws you at high speed along an imaginary path is actually a guide to something much better. You’ve been through a lot, you’ve transformed into a different dragon and now it’s time to make up for lost time.

Love for Dragon in 2021

You will have the chance to meet people, getting out of that area that you frequent out of obligation will have been key in that regard. You have been able to verify how distance is not a problem, if a person wants they can, it is just a mere process that will take you as far as you want. Have fun with a person to discover a whole world next to her.

This Year of the Ox you will have the chance to listen to yourself a little more. Being able to feel in many aspects and determine what your heart tells you. Nobody said it was easy, although you always make it difficult for yourself. You like challenges, in yourself are the turns that you give to the same relationship. You retrace your steps to end up where you left off. Let love be as it should be, knowing and exploring will be your mission, but without haste or pressure.

Dragon at work in 2021

Tenacity is your best weapon in the face of a series of unexpected consequences that can push you to take a radical turn in your future. It is not easy to stay on your feet in these times, but with the energy that the Ox will bring you, anything is possible. Do it for all those who look at you and admire you, don’t allow anything to stop you and even less those elements that have been blocking you.

The lack of solidarity in your work will have become very clear. At this moment you will only have to put it aside and allow your hopes to go higher, believing only in you. Your part of a team, but that doesn’t mean you have to see it as a whole. Take care of your space this 2021 and put aside the negative comments, they are useless.

Money for Dragon in 2021 according to the Chinese horoscope

The first months of this Ox cycle you will get good results, dear Dragon. You will be prepared to earn a little more and you will do it with your eyes set on a promising destination. The new reality will hit you squarely with a second period of deficiencies. Do not claim victory ahead of time, not only will it be of no use, but you will also have to give explanations to who you would not expect.

When you do not have the expected money, it is best to adapt the budget to what you can afford. Do not take anything for granted or let problems end up being worse than expected. Everything happened for something and to a large extent ends up determining an outcome that could end up being better. You always end up learning from everything bad.

Health and Dragon in 2021

You’ll need help juggling this year. You want to do so many things that you can even get overwhelmed if you don’t manage correctly what is coming your way. The first purpose of this cycle of the Ox will begin by buying you an agenda. You may need it more than ever at a time when tasks will be piling up by the minute. Making up for lost time is never easy.

If you stop to think about what is coming into your life, you will feel that your health improves. It is a period of optimism and positivism that you should enjoy without rushing. Do not allow anything to stop you and even less if what you are trying to cover all the parts of your life, balancing them in perfect harmony is not easy at all.

Important dates and rituals for dragon in 2021

  • Important days: March 5th will be your luckiest day at the work level, perhaps you will get an extra or financial joy.
  • Mantra that you must repeat: Everything that has to be for me, will be.
  • Month in which you will stand out: March is the month of flowers and dragons; you will be able to fly freely.
  • Dragon Year: 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012.

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