Chinese horoscope 2021: predictions for Goat (love, money and health)

It is true that your life depends on you and your actions and that, to a certain extent, destiny and luck we create for ourselves. But it is also true that the stars can help us clarify our ideas a little more and better set our goals and purposes. For this reason, in this article with the help of our astrologer, Gemma Meca, we bring you the 2021 Chinese horoscope.

Because the Chinese zodiac, just like the Western horoscope, can reveal many things you didn’t know about yourself and your personality. In this particular article, we are going to focus on the predictions for the Goat in the field of love, work and money, and health during the Year of the Metal Ox (which begins on February 12, 2021).

How to know if you are Goat? Very easy, you have to have been born in one of these years: 1907, 1919, 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003 and 2015. Of course, keep in mind that the Chinese horoscope begins in February, and not in January, so if you were born in January it is likely that you feel more influenced by the previous sign or animal.

Chinese horoscope: general predictions for Goat in 2021

The Goat is a key piece of the Chinese horoscope. The high motivation that he demonstrates in each of his steps is what will mark the beginning of a Year of the Ox full of pending tasks. With a road map that will lead those born under the influence of this animal on the right path, it will be easy to find the main key to a new cycle.

Clear ideas and great motivation to get where you want to go. Start a new cycle that will help you to recover the right path. Your generosity these days will have its reward; you have helped many people who have been by your side in difficult times. You will be able to receive after having given, enjoy this Year of the Ox of profits and benefits.

Love for Goat in 2021

Relationships at a distance or from the past will take center stage. You can start dating with a certain distance in between with someone from your past or recover a love that you thought was lost. This year is the year of surprises in every way, starting with love and personal relationships. The goat always has true love around her, she knows how to identify the best in these people at all times.

Thanks to the efforts you make to fit into a universe that is increasingly united by hate, you realize what is behind certain actions. When you give love, receive love, you will attract a good number of pending conversations this year. Your strategy of closing some doors, but not completely, has paid off. You will have obtained some messages that you will be able to materialize this year. You have many pending appointments to make up.

Goat at work during the Year of the Metal Ox

You will feel good in any project you start to carry out. As much as you take into account that there are some elements that do not quite fit together, what you have under your control will end up being what allows you to do what you should without fear of anything. This self -control will end up leading to a much better schedule and conditions that you did not have until now.

It’s time to get out of your safety zone and until now you didn’t feel up to it. Undertaking has never been so easy, in a certain way after a major crisis you feel again that you are capable of almost anything, this security will give you the necessary capacity to go one step further.

Money for Goat in 2021 according to the Chinese horoscope

Your material life occupies an important role and, for this reason, it is essential that you feel connected to wealth. Meditate at night in search of money that has been far from what you expected. A number will never separate you from the true objectives, as you fill in this piggy bank that has been emptier than you thought, you will realize what awaits you.

It is the amount of money you have in the bank that should not worry you for the world. You are in a position to launch yourself into any adventure. In order to win, you almost always have to bet a good amount of money, otherwise it will be especially difficult to reach the top.

Health and Goat in 2021

You will invest a lot of time in projects and in recovering time that left without warning. You will have to face the long nights that can directly affect your health. Do not despair, in a way it is a test for you. If you manage to meet all the objectives without affecting your health, you will be able to see what it means to be in top shape.

Sleep little and bad, but be immensely happy. It is one of the secrets of the Goat in this Year of the Ox in which she will not have great difficulties in maintaining her health. It may be that until now you have not realized how powerful you are, thanks to your efforts and actions you have been able to go a long way. Your motivation and positive thoughts is what will keep you shining with your own light this year.

Important dates and rituals for Goat in the Year of the Ox

  • Important days: On February 25 you will already begin to stand out in a new project that you are developing.
  • Mantra that you must repeat: It is my moment, nobody or nothing can stop me from shining with my own light.
  • Month in which you will stand out: March will start with great news that you will feel immensely proud of.
  • Goat Year: 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015.

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