Chinese horoscope 2020: what will happen to Tiger in the Year of the Rat?

As you well know, the Chinese New Year does not coincide with the Western New Year. This time, it will begin on January 25, 2020 and, with it, we will have endless days in our hands to enjoy and fulfill our purposes.

Of course, to make the most of every second, it is best to have a slight idea of ​​what life holds for you in the coming months and, for this, the stars are always capable of lending us a good hand. In this article we tell you the predictions for Tiger according to the Chinese horoscope 2020 (this year will be called the Year of the Metal Rat).

How to know if you belong to the sign Tiger? Very easy, you will have to have been born in one of these years: 1902, 1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998 or 2010. It is very important that you keep in mind that the Chinese horoscope is governed by the lunar calendar, so if you were born in January, it is most likely that you identify with the year before yours.

Have you settled down yet? Well, let’s see what the Chinese horoscope 2020 has in store for you!

Predictions for Tiger in love according to the Chinese horoscope 2020

The year will not start too well for the Tigers as far as love is concerned. It is likely that, by chance, you discover a cheat, betrayal or infidelity on the part of your partner. First you will have to face the bad taste of telling him that you have caught him and, later, it will be in your hand to decide if you forgive him or not. Of course, if you decide to give it another chance, remember that you will have to rebuild trust from scratch. Something very very difficult, but not impossible!

The Tigres that finally fail to overcome the pothole will go through a difficult half of the year in which all efforts will be focused on mending the broken heart. A piece of advice from the horoscope: take advantage now that you don’t have a partner to dedicate more time to yourself and recover those hobbies that you had put aside because of your boyfriend.

At the end of the year love will smile at you again. Surprise! You will find it again in your workplace, but be careful! Working side by side with the guy you like has many benefits, but also drawbacks. You will have to know how to cope.

And what will happen to the single Tigre? In the Year of the Rat your desperation to find Prince Charming will continue. All your friends already have a partner and you are the only one who has not been able to center her head. Tranquillity! Stop obsessing because things will happen when you least expect them.

Tiger: your work and your money in 2020 according to the Chinese horoscope

You will receive a call at the beginning of the Chinese New Year. Someone has seen your LinkedIn profile and is interested in your work experience. They will make you a very juicy offer to change your job: better salary, better conditions, better hours… Everything accompanies, but it turns out that you will be more comfortable than ever in your current job and you will doubt a lot about what to do.

Don’t worry, whatever you do is going to be beneficial for you. Listen to your heart. If you decide to stay, you can continue to grow and develop challenges. If you decide to leave, you will face the challenge of adjusting to your new job, but this will help you a lot to manage to get out of your comfort zone and to be more independent.

Financially, you will not experience big problems. You will have sufficient solvency and you will even be able to allow yourself the odd whim. How about you start that trip that you have been dreaming of for so long? Now is the time!

What is certain is that in the Year of the Rat you will have to help someone very close to you who will have financial difficulties. You have extreme trust in that person, so you will have no problem lending him the amount of money he asks for. You know very well that he is going to pay you back even if it is in installments! And besides, that’s what friends are for, right? He will greatly appreciate it!

Chinese horoscope 2020: how will the Tiger fare with his family and friends in the Year of the Rat?

According to the Chinese horoscope, in 2020, you will bring out your most childish and innocent side. And no, it does not mean that you suddenly become immature. According to the stars this year you will spend a lot of time with children!

They could be your children (if you have them), they could be your nephews, the children of a close friend… The fact is that so much childhood will awaken your maternal instinct more than ever… Is the Year of the Rat the perfect year to get pregnant? That will have to be decided by you, but there is no doubt that (if you wish) luck will be on your side in this regard.

In the middle of the year, you will feel the need to improve your relationship with a member of your family. Well done! You will have to start by picking up the phone and making a little call. Then let things flow. Nor is it a matter of going from nothing to everything and overwhelming that person. Things will get back on track!

On the other hand, a friend will confess to you that she has been unfaithful to her partner (who is also your friend). She will have to face a big role: shut up and take your friend’s side or tell everything and earn her enmity forever. She always tries to listen to your morals and you will make the right decision.

Year of the Rat 2020: the health of the Tiger according to the Chinese horoscope

Being constantly exposed to screens (mobile, computer, tablet…) will cause visual fatigue with the corresponding headache. You will have no choice but to go to the eye doctor who may recommend you wear glasses or contact lenses when you are going to use electronic devices.

On the other hand, the Year of the Rat 2020 will be ideal for joining the gym and releasing all those endorphins you need. You already know all the benefits of sport and, in addition to helping you with your mental health, they will also help you with your physical health: you will improve flexibility, resistance, you will keep blood pressure at bay and best of all: you will lose weight!

Who, unfortunately, this year will not enjoy good health, will be one of your grandparents. He will go through the occasional bump and stay in the hospital, but don’t worry, with a lot of care and love from you, he will manage to get ahead. He still has a lot of war to give!

Friend Tiger, this is all that the Chinese horoscope 2020 has in store for you for the Year of the Rat. Are you prepared to squeeze the most out of every second and to overcome any bump that may arise? Enjoy the life!

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