Chinese horoscope 2020: predictions for Dog in the year of the Rat

You know, dear friend Dog, that in love you are usually a bit cold and it is difficult for you to show your feelings to others, whoever they are. However, in the year 2020 you will have to have a little courage if you do not want to permanently lose your partner, that life partner who has become essential for you.

He will ask you to tell him what you feel and to be honest with him/her, because during the last months of the previous year you have been more distanced than ever. A problem separated you and you have not returned to have that complicity that characterized you, so your partner will put your cards on the table at the beginning of 2020. Are you willing to tell him how you feel? Relax, take a deep breath: surely everything will be solved.

For those Dog women who do not have a partner and who are single, changes are expected in 2020, and some too significant changes… Will you meet the love of your life? At last! It seems that the stars have agreed and it is possible that you put aside your singleness once and for all. But, as we were saying, you better show your feelings a little more if you don’t want that person to get confused and end up disappearing from your life just as they came. Dare yourself!

Chinese horoscope: the work and money of the Dog in 2020

In the year 2020, those who were born under the influence of the Dog will see how their economy improves considerably as the months go by. Despite the fact that at the beginning of the year everything would seem to turn upside down, the truth is that everything indicates that there will be improvements from the month of May. Perhaps a salary increase, a job changes or even a job opportunity after a long time waiting are just around the corner, so do not hesitate to dare to face these new challenges.

Your colleagues will be key in that you can be yourself in your position and even feel like going to work. After a lot of work, they have realized how essential you are in the company and how good a colleague you have been, so they are going to return all the favors you have done them over the past year.

In addition, at the end of 2020, the opportunity to create your own business or your own project at work may appear, the one that you have been thinking about for a while but that you had not yet dared to carry out. Of course, be patient because until the following year you will not see the results. How about you put your fears aside and get to work? You’ll see how it will be worth it!

This is how Dog will do in 2020 with family and friends 

Your loyalty is so great that you are very, very familiar. You want to be surrounded by your loved ones despite the fact that sometimes it is practically impossible… And that is precisely what will happen in 2020. You will have so much work that you will not be able to dedicate yourself 100% to your family from the middle of the year, something that one of your members will recriminate you on more than one occasion. And this situation, as it is obvious that you will not like it, may end your patience sooner than expected.

What about friendships? All on wheels! Friends, for you, are like your family: essential. The stars indicate that in 2020 you will even take a little trip with your best friend or with your best friend and the two of you will visit a city that you will love. What better plan than that? Enjoy it to earn all the energy in the world.

Of course, be very careful dear Dog. It is possible that you get a huge disappointment in the middle of the year that makes you rethink your friendships a lot. One of your friends will do irreparable damage to you that you would never have expected, and although you are one of those who forgives, on this occasion your morals and ethics are going to prevent you. You better get ready because there are a lot of curves coming…

Dog’s health in 2020 according to the Chinese horoscope

In matters of health, the year 2020 could be like a roller coaster. You will spend months in which you will need some care, because the low temperatures and the halftime could give you colds that are quite harmful for you. On the other hand, there will be some months in which health gives you a truce and you are in perfect condition.

These ups and downs will make you consider that perhaps it is time to take good care of your diet and follow a type of diet that is suitable for you. It is not about restricting certain foods, but about having a balanced menu suitable for facing day-to-day life in the best possible way. We know that you are a person of routines, so it will not cost you anything to adapt to this new way of eating.

What if you consider going to a nutritionist? It will be the best way to take care of your diet in the hands of a specialist in the field who will form a diet suitable for your weight, height and lifestyle. Dear Dog, from now on taking care of your health will be a priority for you, take advantage of it!

What do you think of your predictions, dear Dog? The Chinese horoscope in the year of the Rat will have many good things, enjoy it!

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