Monkey Year

The family for each sign during the year of the monkey 2016

If what you want is to know how your family is going to do in 2016, which corresponds to the year of the monkey, pay attention to the predictions of the Chinese horoscope. To find out which zodiac sign you belong to, look up your birth year, but keep in mind Chinese New Year is in February, so if your birthday

The family for each sign during the year of the monkey 2016 Read More »

Motherhood and the Monkey woman according to the Chinese horoscope

You may not have children yet but you have always wanted to be a mother. Perhaps you already have a large family that, although difficult to control, makes you wake up every day with a smile on your face. In any case, pay attention to the advice of the Chinese horoscope that establishes that your personality and way of understanding motherhood

Motherhood and the Monkey woman according to the Chinese horoscope Read More »

How will each sign fare in love during the Year of the Monkey 2016?

Pay attention to the following predictions of the Chinese horoscope to know how you will fare during 2016, which corresponds to the year of the monkey. To find out what sign you are, look up your year of birth. Keep in mind that the Chinese horoscope begins around February, so if you were born before, you will be of the previous sign.

How will each sign fare in love during the Year of the Monkey 2016? Read More »

Chinese horoscope: The Monkey woman and the family according to the zodiac

Although there are always exceptions, the Chinese horoscope gives you some guides to unravel the characteristics of your family relationships and, consequently, learn to cope with them with the utmost wisdom and integrity. Your qualities and your way of understanding life will depend on your Chinese zodiac sign. You are a Monkey woman, the ninth animal of the horoscope, if

Chinese horoscope: The Monkey woman and the family according to the zodiac Read More »

The sign of the Monkey in the Chinese horoscope: know your strength

Knowing what a person is like is much easier if you take into account some small details. The Monkeys are difficult to get to know, because until you have a lot of confidence with them, they don’t show you their true ‘I’. Luckily, the Chinese horoscope helps you get to know them a little better. So are the

The sign of the Monkey in the Chinese horoscope: know your strength Read More »

Who is the Monkey woman compatible with according to the Chinese zodiac?

Human relationships are, and always will be, a mystery… For example, why do you feel such strong chemistry with someone you’ve just been introduced to while you have a much colder relationship with other people you’ve known for a long time?? The Chinese horoscope explains that depending on your zodiac sign, you will be more compatible with

Who is the Monkey woman compatible with according to the Chinese zodiac? Read More »

Chinese horoscope and sign compatibility: The Monkey woman in love

Surely you have noticed that you are looking forward to seeing him again because you are happy by his side. He makes you smile just by looking at you… Why are you so compatible? To answer this question, it is perhaps necessary to turn to the Chinese horoscope and the compatibility of signs. According to this traditional Chinese thought, depending

Chinese horoscope and sign compatibility: The Monkey woman in love Read More »

Chinese horoscope 2021: this will be the Year of the Ox for Monkey (love, health…)

On February 12, 2021, the Chinese New Year will begin, this year called the Year of the Metal Ox. What will each zodiac sign experience according to the 2021 Chinese horoscope? Gemma Meca, astrologer, will solve all the doubts you have in matters of love, health, work or money in this particular case, for the Monkey sign. Remember that if you are

Chinese horoscope 2021: this will be the Year of the Ox for Monkey (love, health…) Read More »

Chinese horoscope: will you do well with money in the year of the monkey 2016?

Are you going to get rich in 2016? Is the year of the monkey your lucky period? Find out what sign of the Chinese zodiac you are by looking for your zodiac sign but remember that if your birthday is before February, approximately when the Chinese year begins, you will belong to the previous sign.

Chinese horoscope: will you do well with money in the year of the monkey 2016? Read More »

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